"Take Five" is a classic jazz piece recorded by The Dave Brubeck Quartet and released on its 1959 album Time Out. Composed by Paul Desmond, the group's saxophonist, it became famous for its distinctive, catchy saxophone melody and use of quintuple time, from which the piece gets its name. While Take Five was not the first jazz composition to use this meter, it was the first of United States mainstream significance, becoming a hit on the radio at a time when rock music was in fashion. It is also known for the solo by jazz drummer Joe Morello.
The song has been covered by numerous artists, including a version with lyrics sung by Al Jarreau in 1977. Swedish singer Monica Zetterlund recorded a version of this song entitled I New York with lyrics by Bepper Wolgers in 1962.
(Heimild: wikipedia.org)
miðvikudagur, desember 20, 2006
Take Five.
Jazz hefur verið í uppá haldi í nokkur ár hjá mér. Rakst á þetta á YouTube. Önnur útgáfa til viðbótar hér svona öðruvísi. En hér kemur síðan frumútgáfan, næstum því!
þriðjudagur, desember 19, 2006
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