Wayne Rooney has apparently been dumped by his long-time girlfriend, Coleen McLoughlin.
The rising English star confessed to his now ex-girlfriend that he had spent a night with a prostitute, Charlotte Glover, in December 2002. This angered Charlotte who had no hesitation in dumping her superstar boyfriend.
So after Sven Goran Eriksson's latest affair, the English squad is hit with yet another scandal. This story was also anticipated by the English tabloid, 'Sunday Mirror' which carried out an interview with Glover last Sunday, who recalled the night of passion with the young forward.
Some weeks ago, the 18-year-old English forward had to endure a 240 sterling three-hour operation to have an enormous celtic cross with the name of his girlfriend, Coleen, tattoed on his arm.
Next time he will think twice before putting a tattoo of a girl on his body!
Fyrir okkur Everton-aðdáendur eru þetta auðvitað hræðilegar fréttir, héðan í frá mun líklega ekkert koma í veg fyrir það hann hverfi frá félaginu.
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