miðvikudagur, júlí 28, 2004

"That's the formula for victory."

Var að fá bréf frá fyrrum forseta Bandaríkjanna, honum Bill, en við erum að vinna að því í sameiningu að koma Kerry í forsetaembættið. Það eru nokkur ljón á veginum en við Bill erum sammála um að þetta séu einhverjar mikilvægustu kosningar sem haldnar hafa verið. Bréfið fer hér á eftir, örlítið stytt:

Dear Einar,

This is the biggest week of John Kerry's political life. I know a little something about the remarkable experience he's going through. I know what it's like to step up to that microphone and accept the honor and responsibility of representing so many people's hopes and aspirations in a vitally important presidential election.

I even know what it's like to be asked to lead our Party into a campaign against an incumbent president. And, most important of all, I know what it's like to have people like you to count on.

This is the moment that you and I tell John Kerry, "You may step up to that microphone alone on Thursday night. But, you'll leave Boston knowing that you can count us in every step of the way. And, together, we're going to pull through to victory on November 2nd."

This campaign is about matching the strength of our candidates with our own willingness to act. That's the formula for victory. So, whatever you do, don't just watch the Convention this week. Take action to help John Kerry, John Edwards and other Democratic candidates carry our values and our ideals into one of the most critical elections ever.

Bill Clinton
Í ljósi þess að í Flórída megi búast við því að meira en 40.000 atkvæði muni amk. verða gerð ógild af yfirvöldum getur frasinn „Keep on Rockin' in the Free World“ varla átt betur við en í baráttunni sem framundan er.

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